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  1. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: xenoexdra Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1182748875849732117 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: c9grave Discord Username or ID: fedonparole 1239775246073200644 Description Of the Incident: i needed medical supplies so i requested some from him, he said no, i held him at gunpoint and asked for them and he pulled out a gun, with a gun to his face, then he randomly rolled up to me and shot me, saying that i had rdmed him before, he got very angry when confronted about this Committed Offenses: RDM and failure to fear RP Time of Occurrence: 20/2/25 Additional members involved/witnessing: (Attach a video/picture in this message) post the discord app links into discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1306075771944570880/1342225246882758768/jaP6YJw.mp4?ex=67b8dc2c&is=67b78aac&hm=0fe8bbe5616e759e5f0bed663892591d7e0de87d6f0be76ca9ff996ac6a1c286& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1306075771944570880/1342225246882758768/jaP6YJw.mp4?ex=67b8dc2c&is=67b78aac&hm=0fe8bbe5616e759e5f0bed663892591d7e0de87d6f0be76ca9ff996ac6a1c286&
  2. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy
  3. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: xenoexdra Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1182748875849732117 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) perm Moderating Staff Member: Answer. (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) crownvickauto What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. LA Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. i believe this ban was unfair and unjust, first of all they were breaking rules, such as AOT, by threatening me with g17 switches as a LEO, second of all on my screen it looked like their guns were pointed at the officer in front of me, i can prove all of this with my own clip in short, the moderators committed a offence, died, then got angry they died and said i had fail rp'ed Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (19).mp4
  4. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    My mistake here, he has not cropped his clip to try hide AA, i seem to have accidentally zoomed the clip when viewing in on discord and thought he had cropped it
  5. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Clip for timestamps FRP, TA id 63637: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/junydgYA28WkArc31?invite=cr-MSwwdWQsMjEzMzM2MDA1LA
  6. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: Lukasthebomb1 Discord Username or ID: _lmaxwell_ 474244120680988692 Description Of the Incident: Mr Lukas likes to play dress up, on the day of this incident he decided to dress up as a Postal officer and patrol around Los angeles, may i remind you that there is no mail system or team for the postal office, he abused the USMS team to gain access to gear and to try to roleplay as a postal officer, there would be a incident at domino’s where Mr.Lukas decided he wanted to put his opinion in, saying i shot a innocent man and failed to render aid, when in reality i rendered aid to the innocent civilian first and went to then help the suspect, he also said to civilians and the suspect that he would not assist if they started to attack me and to attack me not him. As a joke i said “mail cop you are relieved of your dutys” but he took this personally, saying that “i should relieve you of your dutys you shot a man without following the force guidelines and failed to provide aid” which i pointed out that the fists were more deadly and did more damage than the knife, he escalated the situation and said that i was a “snowflake” and “couldnt handle a punch” which i then tripped him over, said he slipped and went to book my suspect. Mr.Lukas decided it was appropriate to open fire on me and said that im under arrest, which is AOT and TK, he would go on to attempt to arrest me but would be shot in cross fire of someone shooting, he would then open his admin console to heal himself to precent him from dying, hence giving us the admin abuse im still thinking we were joking around so i would cuff him while he was trying to arrest me, this would make him angry and he would moderate me for FRP and TA Committed Offenses: AOT, TK, Admin Abuse Time of Occurrence: 14/1/25 around 4:59PM EST Additional members involved/witnessing: (Attach a video/picture in this message) timestamps: 0:25 “mall cop you are relieved of of your dutys” 0:53 tripping him over 1:02 TK + AOT 1:54 Admin abuse (:heal me) (he has cropped his clip at this time, a screenshot was taken before he had cropped his screen)
  7. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: xenoexdra Appealing Discord ID: 1182748875849732117 Ban Length: 2 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds Moderating Staff Member: Answer. foxtrot1144 What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. Los Angeles Ban Reason: Answer (Attach screenshot of your ban message / use imgur) FRP (evidence to prove that i rped with the officer and arrestee) Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer (Explain why you believe the ban should be lifted.) I didnt think that you could shoot your friend to prevent them from getting arrested, the moderator said it was FRP because i shot my friend to prevent them from being arrested, im not sure what RP had to be done since i had 1 minute and 35 seconds worth of rp between me, the arrestee and the officer, making it so it wasnt SI or RDM, but frp, and i didnt know that u could not shoot your friend to prevent them from getting arrested Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: spy_floppa
  8. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    they were
  9. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    sorry i did make it late at night on my phone
  10. xenoexdra posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Name (optional): xenoexdra Age:14 Time-zone & Country:BST Contact InformationDiscord Username: xenoexdra (e.g., Username#1234) Discord ID: 1182748875849732117 (18-digit numerical ID) Roblox Username: xenoexdra Roblox ID: 3077994152 (Numerical ID from your Roblox profile link) Staff ReferencesDo you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above? yes If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you: voizu ExperienceHave you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience? no Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.): Moderation HistoryDo you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months? yes Have you ever been permanently banned? no If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain: ive been false banned twice so ingore those, i was goofing around when i got banned for TA, one warning for frp dosent have a clip and the ban for frp was for jumping over a car door… cant remember why i got warned for RDM Approval DocumentHave you received an approval document from a Trust & Safety instructor? No If yes, upload the document in PDF format or provide a link to the file: Additional QuestionsWhy do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team? every game ive played ive always had a feeling to be more or to be able todo more, and thats why normally i would reach out for moderation positions in servers or games, some would be for rp servers and some would be for discord but all the same, and recently i haven’t had something like that, so i believe its time to get back in the game, i believe i can help moderation as im online quite alot and if dealing with someone that’s violated infront of me, i can always provide a clip, i can handle situations easily and quickly once i get used to the commands in this game. What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?: my ability to work effectively and quickly, i can handle personal moderation with easy due to the fact that i always clip, along with the fact of my basic knowledge of the command system, my previous experience with other moderation (swfl rp, discord mod for 100k person server) along with this i can handle non personal moderation e.g. a report from a user without too much effort if the user provides the clip, and i know that if im unsure of anything to ask other mods. Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role: yes, although i cant remember the name i do remember being apart of a SWFL rp mod team, i was able to clip and ban people from the server easily with only a iphone 11, i was able to also provide evidence for each one of my infractions i handed out which made me a reliable staff member. How would you handle a conflict between two community members? i would make sure there’s no content that would immediately make me mute one of the members, once i clear that i would tell them to stop arguing as it would be pointless, i would attempt to redirect them to dms, if they failed to comply i would warn them that they would be muted if they continued , if they did continue i would proceed with a 3m mute for the people that continued to argue. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role: if there was ever a difficult problem i would always contact other staff to reassure myself, other staff with more knowledge can guide me and teach me and make sure that i’m handing out the correct infractions and logging them correctly, as learning is key to not making mistakes within moderation, and could also save me from getting infractions. How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities? whichever ones the top priority gets dealt with first, and as i go down the list the priority’s get less and less urgent, this is to make a smooth and easy time, e.g. responding to a call about someone exp’ing instead of continuing my 10-11 or responding to mod calls instead of patrolling LA endlessly. What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why? responsibility, if staff couldn’t be held responsible for their wrong doings the staff team would be in shambles, false bans and unfair treatment would run riot within the mi moderation if nobody could be held accountable for their actions, thats why MI moderation has a IA and a report system which can be used against abusive staff, along with a staff rating fourm with allows users to express how they feel on staff members and could bring to light misjustice within MI moderation. How would you support and encourage new members of the community? i would make sure that their staff calls would be handled appropriately and quickly, along with welcoming them into the community with respect and kindness, these two are always the first steps on making a new member feel welcomed, fair treatment is also key to making a new member feel welcome, because if you discriminate they wont feel as welcome as they should and could possible leave mi as a result of that. What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them? i wish to be able to rise the ranks in MI being able to go to admin or maybe even senior admin, i have high ambitions within MI, not only this but the experience gained from working with MI can also be beneficial for other future jobs i wish to pursue e.g. Corp positions. Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them? Moderation, i was recently false banned for RDM when i wasn’t even online (dark you will know abt this one) i believe that the moderation needs to start checking who they are banning and what for, along with doing checks with other mods before banning/warning a person, this could be done by having said moderate ask another moderator to assist with the ban, said moderater can spot any possible mistakes. AgreementBy submitting this application, I confirm that: All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team. Signature (type your name here): xenoexdra Date: 17/7/24
  11. xenoexdra started following watameln
  12. Staff Member: @.knoi Review Rating: 10/10 Review Notes: Cool staff member, always helpful if he can be. Can joke around well and be unserious, and be serious when he needs to be