their clip isnt up anymore aswell so i cant see their pov anymore
Appealing Roblox Username: 0kedokue Appealing Discord ID 843368284472868885 Ban Length: 2 Moderating Staff Member: Answer. verbos What game did the ban take place in?: LA Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. I was "stopped for jaywalking" when i followed the penal code of making sure i wasnt in danger. he attempted to verbally stop me i didnt hear him irl as i was talking to somone. the moment i before i shot him all i saw was him coming around a corner with cuffs and then pulling out his tazer at which point i shot him i do have a clip of my pov if you need it. i think this is not nitrp as i wasnt able to hear him and was in fear of being arrested as he immedialy came around the corner with cuffs then pulled out his tazer. i have a clip if you want it. the other fact is my character had citations which have been unpaid for days so he had no idea if they were warrents so he was faraid of being arrested .
staff report
Staff Username:Federal Discord Username or ID: 1239775246073200644 Description Of the Incident: hes giving people up to 90 days osp for temp bans Committed Offenses: giving people up to 90 days osp for temp bans Time of Occurrence: 2/4/25 Additional members involved/witnessing: (Attach a video/picture in this message) 2025-02-05 18-34-08.mkv
- Ban appeal
Ban appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: 0kedokue Appealing Discord 843368284472868885 Ban Length: 2 Days Moderating Staff Member: Answer. markiplier_.#0 What game did the ban take place in?: LA Why should you be unbanned?: I think i should be unbanned. Because i belive it wouldnt be rdm as he was calling the police which i have shot people for before and not gotten in trouble ive been told it was valid. For Killing FD i think it should have been a warn as it was my first time killing FD and its not a very known rule and i forgot about it.
ban appeal for frp
Appealing Roblox Username: 0kedokue Appealing Discord ID 843368284472868885 Ban Length: 1 Day Moderating Staff Member: Answer. verteexx.#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. LA Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Untitled - Copy - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Untitled - Copy and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal. I think I should be unbanned as I didn’t realize doing that was against the rules, he didn’t say anything to me until he said he was going to report me, I was just doing something funny the other people laughed the ems didn’t tell me to leave or anything and I thought it was ok because the other members were laughing so I continued to do the bug. and I wasn’t using it to exploit to avoid arrest or taze or anything just to have fun.
Ban appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: 0kedokue Appealing Discord ID : 843368284472868885 Ban Length: 2 Days Moderating Staff Member: Answer. lmaxwell#0 What game did the ban take place in?: LA Ban Reason: Answer https://imgur.com/a/rKAQWaP Why I Should Be Unbanned: I fully believe I should be unbanned. The RDM should be completely false as I had killed multiple cops before and they called for backup even identified me. Therefore I went up to the police and shoot them so they couldn’t call backup. what was I supposed to do go up and surrender or let them call backup if they see me. The frp is a bit valid but didnt realize you weren’t allowed to hop into locked cars as there weren’t collision models and the seats weren’t locked, i had seen people do it before as well so i did it but I didn’t realize it was frp . Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
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