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  1. UnicornWillies posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox username : Coolthebro6375 and Friknobgg Description of the incident : Was standing in the road , as I was hoping to initiate a encounter with law enforcement for obviously blocking traffic. Instead, the officer runs me over, continues driving and pretends like it didnt happen. Now this doubles as a “Staff report” of sorts since Friknobgg , Witness the encounter and actually SENT ME THE CLIP, and decided to not pursue the reported person since “You were standing in the road”. He also for some reason cared all of a sudden after finding out the guy was RCPD. Just funny people are in place to prevent stuff like this and instead he watches it happen and does nothing. Time of occurence : 2:14:03 2024 Thu. Oct 24 as of kill logs Supporting evidence : https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/iWnAC6WBz9WzVDR3r?invite=cr-MSx0YWgsNTM4NzA5NzQs