AA, Uhsaumlimited
Appealing Roblox Username: Uhsaumlimited Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 849786941347987466 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) Permanent Moderating Staff Member: ash.z What game did the ban take place in?: Both I guess. Why should you be unbanned?: I have no idea who Socrates6513 is. I have never used alts in my whole 9 years I have been on roblox . I have a screenshot that shows that I only have 1 account and that is my main, I have a lot of time on LA and is a dedicated member to helping MI. And when I looked Socrates6513 I saw his main and I saw that he has 8 alt accounts all he is friended with.
Banned for AA for Uhsaumlimited
Appealing Roblox Username: Uhsaumlimited Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 849786941347987466 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) Permanent Moderating Staff Member: ash.z What game did the ban take place in?: Both I guess. Why should you be unbanned?: I have no idea what alt that is that is linked to the ban message. I have never used alts and never plan to. I have a screenshot that shows that I only have 1 account and that is my main, I have a lot of time on LA and is a dedicated member to helping MI. And when I looked up the person linked to the ban message I have never met this person before and I don't understand why I got banned.
RDM by lschoen1
Roblox Username: Uhsaumlimited Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 849786941347987466 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: lschoen1 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional) Give us an Incident Description: (What happened out of the clip) So I got pulled over by some cops which I still don’t know why and I kept asking what I did and they just kept saying idk. When another cop pulled up and tried to block me inside of this ally so I tried to drive off. (What happen in the clip) After I tried to drive off I wasn’t close to hitting him at all and he mag dumped my car killing my passenger who is my friend. After that I stoped to call a mod but command was on cooldown so I got back in my car to drive off and he mag dumped the car again killing me this time. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM X2 (Could be just X1 because I am the person taking the clip) How long do you think the player be punished for: A 2 day and back to Phase 1 for LAPD training. Time of Occurrence: 4:27 PM Additional members involved/witnessing: blackmambasnakekill https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/juvHch1iaBYRezSl9?invite=cr-MSxJZmYsNDQwODEyMzUs
RDM by Lukasthebomb1
Roblox Username: Uhsaumlimited Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 849786941347987466 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Lukasthebomb1 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: lmaxwell Give us an Incident Description: I was in a Purple Hellcat and I was running from the cops when they spiked one of my wheels and I still tried to run but when I was driving away Luka deiced to mag dump me. This cop is very trigger happy and shouldn’t be serving anymore. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM How long do you think the player be punished for: A day ban and removed from sheriff/LAPD team. Time of Occurrence: 1/9/2025 10:53 Additional members involved/witnessing: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jsmbYCvCSNWxHe0bU?invite=cr-MSxHbmMsNDQwODEyMzUs
Roblox Username: Uhsaumlimited Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 849786941347987466 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: SlavicPixel Discord Username of the player you're reporting: Sorry but I have no idea. Don’t think he is even in the discord. Give us an Incident Description: Just standing on sidewalk and went afk to watch youtube and I hear gunshots and when I tab back in I see I am dead. Took a clip of it and cant see the the guy but I checked kill logs. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM How long do you think the player be punished for: A day ban Time of Occurrence: 12/11/2024 6:20 PM PST Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jgy3ODgL2eIJuf1ht?invite=cr-MSw2N24sNDQwODEyMzUs https://discord.com/channels/902369439545180180/926297622212411432/1316590452194938921
Review on oogabooga116
4/10 I killed him to save my buddy who was getting pulled over he then called it RDM which I didn’t fully care about. While I was in the back of a police car detained he then tried to team me on civ team which messed me up since I was in the back of a cop car detained in handcuffs, he then tried to bring me to a secret moderators room but since I was handcuffed I glitched under the map and fell into the void and he finally bring me to this staff room where I had to sit there for 10 min. He messed up a whole Roleplay just for him getting butt hurt on getting killed.