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  1. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: THLGPlays Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 966107655682805801 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: poopfartdodowater Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: The first time, i was doing a 10-11 at the rpd gas station, then when i was about to finish my traffic stop, a guy hiding behind the rpd gas fence was armed with a gun and started shooting me for no reason and i died. The second time i was talking with my traffic stop person and he started to shoot us for no reason again at robs tool's. I got footage on medal tv if needed. What rules / offences did the player break: 2x RDM, 2x FRP? How long do you think the player be punished for: Permanent Time of Occurrence: between 8:20 and 8:35 Pm Screen Recording 2025-02-15 204352.mp4Screen Recording 2025-02-15 204542.mp4
  2. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy.
  3. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Discord ID: 966107655682805801 Ban Length: Unknown Moderating Staff Member: @night_ghost141 Ban Reason: V-TOS Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be unbanned because I did not mean to actually get whitelisted although I did not do a training, it was a prank and I was going to delete it afterwards, then i proceeded to play the game and I forgot that I put that, so this morning I realized that I forgot to remove that so I checked my discord and I got banned. I know doing this is stupid and just bad because people need to be honest but I promise I won't do it again on the server. I believe I should also be unbanned because I roleplay a lot in perris and help a lot of new people joining the game to get used to the game, I enjoy games that are about roleplaying, and I like communicating with other people on discord. Best regards.
  4. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: THLGPlays Appealing Discord ID: 966107655682805801 Ban Length: 1 day Moderating Staff Member: wwindowserror#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned because at the time of my actions there was a massive shootout at sk and I approached the car and it looked suspicious to me so I shot it not knowing if that person was one of the shooters, a police officer, or a innocent witness, and I didn't know if the shooting was still over. Sorry to the person I did that to but it was a misunderstanding, that's all I can say
  5. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: Appealing Discord ID: 966107655682805801 Ban Length: 1 day Moderating Staff Member: wwindowserror#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned because at the time of my actions there was a massive shootout at sk and I approached the car and it looked suspicious to me so I shot it not knowing if that person was one of the shooters, a police officer, or a innocent witness, and I didn't know if the shooting was still over. Sorry to the person I did that to but it was a misunderstanding, that's all I can say
  6. The_Legend posted a post in a topic in Completed
    A sheriff keeps spamming panic, his user is hyper12345k