Alting (I have proof that I do not alt)
I recently made a ticket on the website to resolve the issue. I’ll attach the screen shots below. In my recent ban for VTOS (Which got accepted) later got rejects for alting. So I then made a ticket on the website to resolve the issue. The MI support then told me to create another game appeal. The following screen shots show the accounts connected to my discord and on the MI website. You literally cannot change accounts for roblox on the MI website which proves that the DOTHEFORTNITE_FORTNI is connected to my MI account. The discord originally had another account, but Pigeon god helped me resolve the issue. I’m hoping to show the MI team that I don’t alt and get my account unbanned.
Ban Appeal
I accept the one strike policy, Although I do have one question. With this enact, after 30 days when the One-Strike period is over, would I still face a Permanent ban with no appeal for any violation?
Ban Appeal
Okay, Thank you for your feedback watameln. I didn’t know the meaning of that could be interpreted as that. I do accept my actions and apologize to those who got offended. I also saw that you put a note for my account saying I’m alting even though I don’t have any affiliation with it, if you need any proof, please let me know.
Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: DOTHEFORTNITE_FORTNI Discord ID: 824372025534709840 Ban length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: .nolon#0 In which game did the ban occur: Perris, California Ban reason: Why I should be unbanned: I was recently banned permanently for VTOS. However, after evaluating what I said I can see how that may come across differently. I simply meant to say “suck off him” basically meaning to copying him or following him. I never intended it to have the meaning of how it may seem dirty or against Violation of the term and agreements of Roblox. I do want to set this out, I never intended to come across that way or anyone to have been interpreted wrongly, at the end of the day, we’re all humans belonging to this amazing community where everyone can have fun roleplay experiences. I do want to apologize to the people who may have explicated things differently. I do want to deeply apologize to those who I offended with that comment. I just want another chance in this amazing community, I am filled with regret and sorrow. I want to give sincerest apologies, I deeply am sorry for my actions, please give me another chance. For additional reasons, I have a clean record, no bans, no warnings, no nothing. (I saw where my MI username is the same as a Roblox username, I want to put this out that I do not have any affiliations, nor do I have associations with that account. For additional notes, I’ve seen people put their subscription status which I do not see any reasoning behind how that will improve the chances of getting unbanned. If curious, I am a platinum member (that doesn’t change anything). I want to maintain a safe space in this community and make sure everyone can have a nice experience. From now on, I will try to use my words more carefully, because as shown in the image attached, two words flipped can make the meaning of the sentence differently. I did not want to make any comment regarding that ill sided definition, nor did I intend to make a comment with that meaning. I wanted to simply express my emotion with a simple comment saying there’s no need to copy off of him, “suck off him” basically meaning copying off of him. I also have another note, I do apologize for the grammatical errors in this appeal since English is not my first language, and this is my first time ever doing an appeal, please give me notes on my appeal. Thank you for reading this appeal.my mountain interactive username)
Eriksson started following TheIemonadeStand
Staff report FRP false ban
I was a witness to this.
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