Roblox Username: hectorpro195 Discord ID: 518172425461170188 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: SquirtleGo1 Discord Username or ID: foxtrot1144 Description Of the Incident: The staff stopped me, when I got off they told me what I did but he accused me of GTA-D. When I asked him if he had proof, he said yes, then I asked him if he could show it to me, he refused to show it because according to him he didn't have time, then when he banned me I had to write. to him on discord by dms, for the proof when on #bans he made the wrong clip at the beginning and put one that had nothing to do with it, I told him that he made the wrong clip, and he showed me the one that corresponds to the clip I made of GTA , when it also had nothing to do with it, although I sent him my clip of my perspective, where you can see that I did not commit anything in GTA-D, he has problems with the PC or WiFi, which hurts others because he sees different things due to its poor performance, in the game I was going to tell him I had my perspective and he just banned me, knowing he didn't care. for his actions I will lost 2 days of my membership Committed Offenses: He doesn't listen to people, he doesn't show the evidence because he doesn't have time, according to him, (When he’s on staff) inconsequential proofs. Time of Occurrence: Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A (Attach a video/picture in this message)