Staff Report
Staff Username: TarzanxLove Discord Username or ID: 1164133891074957353 Description Of the Incident: Tarzanx has started to punch and shoot people just for “fun”. While he has respawned during my attempt to arrest and has shot the officer “Firezard” mutiple times. When I tried to arrest them both, for battery etc. They have TA’ed me, and tried to scare me by an “infraction” or me getitng moderated. When he has turned on force field he said this is NOT my concern and that I should relase officer Firezard. Committed Offenses: Abuse of comamnds, TK, TA. Time of Occurrence: 7:20pm Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A (Attach a video/picture in this message): https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/juphLiPgIx_gIGRm7?invite=cr-MSx4cmYsMjY4NTUzMzE2LA , https://medal.tv/pl/games/roblox/clips/juphLiPgIx_gIGRm7?invite=cr-MSx6RVgsMjY4NTUzMzE2LA , Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Untitled - Copy – Klip nagrany z Medal.tvOglądaj Untitled - Copy i miliony innych plików wideo Roblox na Medal, największej platformie z klipami do gier.Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Untitled - Copy – Klip nagrany z Medal.tvOglądaj Untitled - Copy i miliony innych plików wideo Roblox na Medal, największej platformie z klipami do gier. , Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Untitled - Copy – Klip nagrany z Medal.tvOglądaj Untitled - Copy i miliony innych plików wideo Roblox na Medal, największej platformie z klipami do gier.,
My ban appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: szym27 Appealing Discord ID: 1080123192695337100 Ban Length: 1 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent Moderating Staff Member: k4i4nn What game did the ban take place in?: LA Ban Reason: Attached Why I Should Be Unbanned: (https://discord.com/channels/902369439545180180/1306075771944570880/1320092007930265734). In the first clip, I have been suspected for an attempt of grand theft auto (When I have no intent of doing that) https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jk2t4ECMXjo3-cVDs?invite=cr-MSx4MW4sMjY4NTUzMzE2LA, and the officer has pulled out his gun on me telling me to get down on the ground when I was LASD. Proof that am indeed innocent. In the clip I was pretty aggresive and I agree I overracted. https://medal.tv/pl/games/roblox/clips/jk2z0wKSITkYtIg5b?invite=cr-MSwwV3IsMjY4NTUzMzE2LA . The first clip is self-explanotry. We have tried to call an moderator but the LAPD officer has continued to arrest him. The officer didyn’t want to stop his actions and contniued to use tools on the suspect to transport him even thought the suspect said he has an firearm lisence and open carry permit mutiple times, we had no other chooise but to use “Force” or tools to stop the officer from getting away. Even if you deem this as if I did still something wrong, I apologize. And I will apologize to those who I did “FRP”, and “TA” on. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A Addintonal Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jk2pSnGYGCGJdnXcp?invite=cr-MSxHV00sMTkxMzY1NzI1LA , https://discord.com/channels/902369439545180180/1306075771944570880/1320092007930265734, https://medal.tv/pl/games/roblox/clips/jk2z0wKSITkYtIg5b?invite=cr-MSwwV3IsMjY4NTUzMzE2LA, https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jk2t4ECMXjo3-cVDs?invite=cr-MSx4MW4sMjY4NTUzMzE2LAUploading Attachment... 2024-12-1906-38-09_1.mp4.b7571ac2b21a7a31729a61d6c22551cb.mp4
My ban appeal
My Ban Appeal Appealing Roblox Username: szym27. Appealing Discord ID 1080123192695337100 Ban Length: 1 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent Moderating Staff Member: yiburzio What game did the ban take place in?: LA Ban Reason: LTAA Why I Should Be Unbanned: I have very bad wifi, I have disconnected during the arrest when “Xeno” has cuffed me. I have joined back and letted him to write down a report on me, as he did my jail time for leaving ran out and I was tp’ed back to him. He wasyn’t able to un-hold me so he changed teams. Since he already written down the report and everything and I couldyn’t move in-game at all as I was bugged I left and wanted to rejoin, when I did LTAA popped up for me. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A. (Optional.)
My review on gold
To be honest, it’s an W. You get lots of guns, you get free inserts in Perris. Also you get every LEO team in perris. You also get an cool role in the discord, you get acess to premium chat and leaks. You also get guns in LA.
Gold VIP
Last visited