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  1. Stab posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy
  2. Stab posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: BOTGuyLTU Appealing Discord ID 925710316996812801 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: I have no idea happened almost half a year ago pretty sure What game did the ban take place in?: Perris,California Ban Reason: APPARENTLY i said a death threat which is kys Why I Should Be Unbanned: first of did i say that? Yes. But did i mean that? No. When i said kys i literally said keep yourself safe because thats what i meant. and yes i was goofing around but not breaking any rules or frping in any way. I should be unbanned because you cant just judge what somebody says if thats not what they are implying just because someone tells me a funny joke and i reply with: im dying doesnt actually mean i am. i was quite clear of my meaning because right after i would type that i would follow up with the meaning (kys-keep yourself safe). My ban is clearly unjustified and i should be served justice. I am happy to communicate and negotiate this ban and talk about what i did and how i can correct my actions.