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  1. AshleyWard posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SnowyBlossompony Discord ID : 228926139064778752 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Siweqq999 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: Dont Have it Give us an Incident Description: Officer and suspect both killed each other I start trying to tend to the suspect down after calling the officer doa he pulled a shotgun out of thin air from what I can hear was a shotgun and then shoots me no roleplay behind it What rules / offences did the player break: RDM FRP How long do you think the player be punished for: maybe a day ban if his record shows him doing it more then once then ill leave it to staff to choose Time of Occurrence: 9:31 AM CST Additional members involved/witnessing: None in the area Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/juLKhZ7dwU0L6shdI?invite=cr-MSxEbm8sMTczNDY4ODUwLA
  2. AshleyWard posted a post in a topic in Questions
    Thank you
  3. AshleyWard posted a post in a topic in Questions
    My discord ban appeal was accepted but I still can not join the discord and would like some help to figure why if there is a chance one of the staff or owners can message me to figure this out
  4. AshleyWard posted a post in a topic in Discussion
    I saw my ban appeal was accepted but I can not join the discord still I dont know if its something on my end or not but anytime I try it says unable to accept invite
  5. My Ban Appeal Appealing Discord ID (228926139064778752): Ban Length: Perm Moderating Staff Member: Belive one of the higher staff ranks dont have the name Ban Reason: **** Why I Should Be Unbanned: The ban happened when my discord profile pic was changed to something from the game called Five Nights At Freddy’s witch was not at all related to furrys at all I feel this ban happened for no reason and shouldnt have happened in the first place due to how it looked pretty much like targeting I never once had my profile pic as a **** while in the discord due to being in training for staff I do still have an old clip on metal of that when I went to a call on the old game I would like to be unbanned and come back to the community on a good note if need be of when I was staff befor this whole thing happened I will provide it if asked to as I know how some are on people impersonating I had to make a new one due to the other was closed mid editing it Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A