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Titanium VIP

Everything posted by sheluvswholol

  1. sheluvswholol posted a post in a topic in Suggestions
    Prob will be added in the future
  2. Hey

    sheluvswholol posted a post in a topic in Discussion
    Hello there
  3. sheluvswholol posted a post in a topic in Discussion
    be more active here!!!
  4. wow

    sheluvswholol posted a post in a topic in Discussion
  5. sheluvswholol posted a post in a topic in Discussion
  6. Sheluvswholol’s Game ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Out of 5) My Review: It is a lovely game, but it needs more players these games, a lot of fun RP, and a nice and pretty cool community within the game itself. It has a nice moderation team and mostly easy to report someone and or other things with the staff members we have so far an awesome game and there should be much more to come from now on to the full review of each of the games. V2.5 / Regular Perris: If you would like a less strict RP and isn't as strict as LA this is your start, but it is still required to follow all rules at all times, and other things that were put in place you can easily spawn vehicles in this game without having to pay money and buy/license weapons for your experience lovely version of the game however a few things could be better like more activities to do in the game (etc) V4 / Next version of Perris: Love how lively this version is however it would be a better game if only there were many more players i feel like V2 should look a lot more like Perris (V4) with the graphics would be pretty cool to have in V2. LA: This game is a more strict version of Perris however has many more tasks and other things to do including NPC Tasks to earn easy money, working PD teams and Caltrans, and very much more to come if you would like a strict RP then come here (it won't have as much RDM or rule breaking as Perris.) Favorite Features: Just loving the community and RP of the game is what makes it what it is. Photos: https://imgur.com/h7Fdu89 https://imgur.com/a/9iTYyH3 https://imgur.com/a/oLR0y69
  7. Sheluvswholol’s Membership Review - TitaniumRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Out of 5) My Review: My review on titanium is overall pretty good it indeed is worth 650 USD and pretty much comes with everything it has to offer going up into having ever vehicle insert included into this pack not (customs/limiteds). Aswell as having 10-15 weapons including handguns to rifles (That you do spawn in with) (ETC). Then there are server perks having the discord role that you own titanium, requesting a custom name, a discord channel with all other donators to chat and talk about anything, having image perms in the discord, and more to come, then moving on to the in-game perks, these are just having helicopter access, vehicle orders, all orders, and all inserts for free, and having access to teams like Caltrans, RPD, FD, AMR, National Guard FBI, etc. There is much more to come. I advise reading the website for more info on this perk, and I hope to see people liking titanium! Favorite Perks: Spawning in with the weapons, and the teams that you get granted into and aswell as just having fun!