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  1. Roblox Username: Schoolboy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: codythefletchr Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/a Give us an Incident Description: After clearing off a call for assistance at the Denny's, I began to vacate the area by returning to my car. As I'm there, the player -who I will refer to as "Cody"- attempted to enter my vehicle but was unable to due to it being locked. I then asked him to move, which he did. As I entered my vehicle, he pulled a fire arm then started shooting at my vehicle. This is when other officers engaged and took him down as he was attempting to kill me. What rules / offences did the player break: Team Killing // The Player was on as RCSO. RDM // Killed me for absolutely no reason. How long do you think the player be punished for: As long as possible based on his record. I think he's using an alt account, but I could be wrong. Time of Occurrence: 22:44 CST Additional members involved/witnessing: Saucy_Code StreamableWatch Cody | Streamable
  2. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Original Ban Appeal Link: Date of Original Appeal Submission: 1/7/24 Time Since Submission: 14hrs Reason for Request: The ban appeal was approved, but I am still banned in-game. This is a request to be unbanned in-game pursuant to the appeal approval.
  3. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: rjfrg#0 Discord Username or ID: 1059809829440458855 Description Of the Incident: For additional context regarding my report, please visit my most recent ban appeal thread found here After being reported for RDM, the staff member failed to adequately verify the claims of the reporting party and failed to conduct a neutral investigation of the entire incident. Instead, the moderator assumed actions or took the word of the reporting party. When I attempted to give my side of the incident, the moderator countered my statement by using the statement of the reporting party and his incorrect analysis of the footage, then immediately banned me without even trying to get the full story. As provided by the video down below and with the context I provided in my ban appeal, the situation was completely different. This was an active RP scene with a barricaded suspect and the reporting party recklessly interfered and was killed. The moderator also failed to comment on the FRP of the reporting player entering an active RP scene. In the video, (1) gunshots can be heard, (2) police lights/vehicles can be seen in front of the residence, and (3) gun shots can be heard flying past the reporting party after he entered the residence. The reporting party, who was on foot, ran from another street to the RP scene and used a shotgun to break into the scene. The reporting party then immediate goes straight up stairs and directly to the window officers were engaging with in a manner that seems intentional. As a moderator, it is important to moderate based on facts. It is also important to gather anecdotal statements from all parties and to use best judgement based on the given facts. Moderators should remain neutral, understanding that all reports may not be genuine or may be a misunderstanding. In this situation, the moderator used solely the anecdotal statement of the reporting party to accuse me of committing an offense (that I have now been proven to not have committed) and refused to hear my complete side of the story. Committed Offenses: Unprofessionalism Biased and Partial Moderation Failure to Conduct a Legitimate and Neutral Investigation Time of Occurrence: 1/7/2025, 4:25 AM CST Video Used as Evidence - https://youtu.be/UsQOF7hqqes Moderator Interaction (In Sequence) Uploading Attachment... Uploading Attachment... Uploading Attachment... (Final Interaction Before Ban)
  4. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Ban Length: 1 Day Moderating Staff Member: rjfrg#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris, California Ban Reason: RDM - Chance of appeal, check out the website. Please Note: I do not have the screenshot. Why I Should Be Unbanned: Please note that all of my claims will be based on the submitted YouTube video that was used to find me at fault: Prior to the incident that lead to moderation being contacted, I was responding to a panic call that was made at the BOA houses. The call consisted of a lone, barricaded subject who was firing shots at officers from a residence. I responded with my partner, TheUnOfficialHam, to the location. Upon arrival, we were met with immediate gunfire from a window on the second floor of the residence, which eventually lead to the death of my partner. While on scene, the shots continued to be fired at officers from the house. After getting a visual of what I believed was the player, I (and several other officers on scene) discharged my firearm, striking, and killing who I had reasonably believed to have been the shooter in an attempt to neutralize the suspect. During my contact with the moderator, he told me that my actions were of RDM due to the fact that I shot a player “just for looking out the window” and that I was engaging with “the complete opposite house.” As noted by the positioning of the police cruisers, the already broken window located on the 2nd floor, the pointing direction of all officers on the scene, as well as the shots being fired at the house/complainant; it is evident that this was indeed clearly the correct house. This player had just fired his firearm into the window of the house to gain access to the house; he then entered the scene and had reasonably been mistaken for the suspect at hand by myself and all officers on the scene who discharged their firearms at him. Furthermore, after his break in, bullets can be heard being fired at the complainant all of which were missed… further proving this to be the correct scene. For my actions to constitute “RDM”, I would need to have (1) randomly killed a player, (2) killed a player for no reason, or (3) used violence to disrupt on-going roleplay. This player was not randomly killed or killed for no reason, he was killed because he recklessly entered the scene of a barricaded suspect and was mistaken for the suspect. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.) TheUnOfficialHam
  5. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: SenorAlinn (Couldn’t get the username of the other players) Give us an Incident Description: I pursued a player to BOA housing and effectuated an arrest, after cuffing the suspect, three uninvolved players appeared on the scene and just killed everyone attached. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM // Players simply ran up to our scene clearly with the intention of not roleplaying. How long do you think the player be punished for: 5-10 Day Ban // These players seem to be uneducated on RP or just have no interest in doing it at all. Time of Occurrence: 13:50 CST https://streamable.com/p9l6bi
  6. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I second this report. Attached is my report on this player.
  7. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I second this report. Attached is my report on this player.
  8. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Alia9055 Give us an Incident Description: While conducting a Traffic Stop, the driver refused to present identification. I then ordered the driver to exit the vehicle. As I was attempting to detain the driver, an uninvolved motorist stopped, exited their vehicle, and killed me. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM // Player simply ran up to our traffic stop, uninvolved, and killed me. How long do you think the player be punished for: 5-10 Day Ban // This player seems to be uneducated on RP or just has no interest in doing it at all. Time of Occurrence: 13:26 CST Witness: StreamableWatch Untitled video | Streamable
  9. Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Stormcatsrules Vincent567466 Give us an Incident Description: Both players are CONSTANTLY RDMing and Team Killing as CHP Troopers. During the writing of this report, they are actively spawn killing players at CHP as they Spawn in. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, FRP, TK // Clearly don’t care about the rules. How long do you think the player be punished for: Indefinite. Time of Occurrence: 13:03 CST Witness: I’m sure there are plenty… and you will have a lot of reports about it. https://streamable.com/0embh4 StreamableWatch Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (18) | StreamableStreamableWatch Untitled video | StreamableStreamableWatch Untitled video | Streamable
  10. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Stefan33219 Give us an Incident Description: I responded to multiple panics at the DMV. When I arrived, I heard shots coming from the hilly area next to it. When I drove to the hilly area, I noticed what looked like a Deputy who had just finished firing his gun at someone. I then witnessed him open all my doors for some reason. I decided to close them all and leave. As I was closing them, the Deputy began shooting at me and pursuing me in an effort to kill me, in which he did. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM // Killing without the intention of not roleplaying. Team Killing // The player was on the Sheriff’s Team whilst I was CHP How long do you think the player be punished for: Permanent Ban // The player was sending a bunch of panics to the DMV. Likely that he did it to others as well. He has no intention of RPing or being a productive member. Time of Occurrence: 4:35AM CST Witness: Video StreamableWatch Player Report 2 | Streamable
  11. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: NichllZan Give us an Incident Description: I was conducting a High Risk Traffic Stop RP with a player who is wanted for multiple crimes. During this, I had a RCSO Deputy assisting me with the stop. While I was engaging with the suspect, I noticed NichllZan randomly pull up in a Grey Dodge Charger. He exited, make a minor interaction with the subject of my stop. He then walks out of frame where he kills my partner, then runs up and kills me. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM // Player simply ran up to our traffic stop clearly with the intention of not roleplaying. How long do you think the player be punished for: 5-10 Day Ban // These players seem to be uneducated on RP or just have no interest in doing it at all. Time of Occurrence: 3:45AM CST Witness: toodiegamer2012 // SO Deputy StreamableWatch Player Report 1 | Streamable
  12. Schoolboy50 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: SchoolBoy50 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 240143516347531264 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: perrisfan123 (I don’t have the username of the accomplice) Give us an Incident Description: I was conducting a Traffic Stop RP with a player who crossed a double yellow into oncoming traffic. I had a RCSO Deputy acting as back-up. During the RP, I noticed this Blue vehicle passing us then turning around and passing us again, and again. Eventually, while engaging with the subject of the stop, they stopped their car behind ours and started blaring the horn. They then exited their car and walked up to us basically claiming to be a victim of something and to have a problem. Seconds later they draw weapons and kill both me and the RCSO Deputy. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM // Players simply ran up to our traffic stop clearly with the intention of not roleplaying. How long do you think the player be punished for: Permanent Ban // These players seemed to have been on alt accounts (username is legit perrisfan) and have no interest in actually participating in RP but only to cause issues and wreak havoc on players.. Time of Occurrence: 2:19AM CST Witness: toodiegamer2012 // SO Deputy StreamableWatch Untitled2 | Streamable