Report of "Mynameis_smooth" (GTA-D)
Hey @wil, sadly, that is the only clip I got, but pretty sure he was driving like that the entire time.
Report of "Mynameis_smooth" (GTA-D)
I forgot to mention: Originally, we were on the chase of a grey sportscar, which you can see at the beginning. We got called there to Investigate an Active Shooter in the House, when the car fled. Thats also why I'm wearing Plain Raid Outfit with a vest. When we tried to get after the suspect, he basically took us all opportunity and the suspect has successfully escaped us.
pxscal361 started following Perris California Update 02/23/2025 , Report of "Mynameis_smooth" (GTA-D) , Report on "Wa1kEmD0wnNL0veEm" (LTAA & RTAA) and 3 others
Report of "Mynameis_smooth" (GTA-D)
Roblox Username: pxscal361 Discord ID: 367211016032878592 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Mynameis_smooth Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: He, as a CHP Trooper, was driving excessive speeds without the use of any emergency lights or sirens, not responding to any call or anything. He basically flyed through that intersection, crashing into us, since he got into our lane and keeps going. He returned at an later point, and we confronted him with it. He told us that we were off, and asked us like if we would be stupid, and all that. When we told him to stay at the scene, since called Staff, he drove off again. What rules / offences did the player break: GTA Driving How long do you think the player be punished for: Regarding his previous moderations (6), he should be banned for at least 2 days. Time of Occurrence: 20:33 Additional members involved/witnessing: MarlonUnited (Witness, was in my vehicle and on scene the entire time, also got a clip) Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jObsmVxls7Lrf6KoW?invite=cr-MSx6OWYsMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA
pxscal361 changed their profile photo
Report on "Wa1kEmD0wnNL0veEm" (LTAA & RTAA)
Roblox Username: pxscal361 Discord ID: 367211016032878592 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Wa1kEmD0wnNL0veEm Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: He was on AMR Team, trolled around with me and my car (opened all my doors and interfered with me so I couldn't drive), I have cited him for that. After that, he opened all my doors again and drove away in his Ambulance. I enganged in a 10-80 with him, which he didn't stop and did Reckless Driving and Felony Speeding, aswell as Public Endangerment and abusing his Emergency Service vehicle for it. When we finally catched up with him, he Left The Game first. He came back some minutes later, did the same thing, was pursued and successfully spiked, before he Reset Himself. What rules / offences did the player break: LTAA/LTAP & RTAA How long do you think the player be punished for: Regarding his previous moderations, at least 2 days. Time of Occurrence: 15:02 Additional members involved/witnessing: MarlonUnited, bunch of other Cops. Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jNFYJ1VbmjW9PSX9l?invite=cr-MSxSTHksMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA I sadly didn't clip the second scene, where he reset himself.
Report "Gearspan0960" (NITRP, FRP, RDM, FR, SI)
Roblox Username: pxscal361 Discord ID: 367211016032878592 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Gearspan0960 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: This player broke multiple rules multiple times. Constant Cop Baiting and Evading, then threatening to report us and spamming "!help" for multiple seconds, and then RDMing us again. There was no intention to roleplay from this player at all time. People like this do not deserve to go online at either Perris or even LA ever again, since they are just there to disturb roleplay, and break the fun for everyone else. She showed no fear at any time, no roleplay at any time, interfered with multiple scenes, just to kill us. What rules / offences did the player break: NITRP, FRP, RDM, FR, SI How long do you think the player be punished for: permanently Time of Occurrence: 03/01/2025 14:29 Additional members involved/witnessing: danjchik96, & pretty much the entire server Note: I did !help multiple times, and there was Staff in the server, but no one took care of it for over an hour. Evidence (Clips): https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jNfqvwgl9ZLRZkszc?invite=cr-MSxoc0csMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jNfYeWKQr8kRkwWI9?invite=cr-MSxvY3csMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA
My Review on "CR4ZY_DILAN"
Staff Member: @CR4ZY_DILAN (CR4ZY_DILAN aka ABM) Review Rating: 10/10 Review Notes: ABM (Dilan) has helped me and the community for weeks now. He is also a part of the RPD, and one of a few Mods who actually communicate with us, like chilling in the chat and chatting, and also making fun stuff. He always maintains a funny, open, yet professional behavior and attitude towards everyone he encounters, either bad or good. He helped me with multiple cases now, and I can see that he is very active within the Game(s), Discord and Website, and therefore I will also officially recommend him for a Promotion. He really deserved it. (I know other Moderators also deserve one, but this is one topic only right now)
Report "tarekc0c05" RTAA/FRP
Roblox Username: pxscal361 Discord ID: 367211016032878592 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: tarekc0c05 (Display: Kerat_Z) Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: When I got in a Pursuit, the reported player randomly (GTA-Driving) into me, did not RP his crash, jumped out immediately and ran away. When I tried to apprehend him with Taser deployment, soon before I was able to cuff him, he resetted himself by teaming him in another Team. Soon after, he left the game. What rules / offences did the player break: RTAA, (+LTAA), FRP, GTA-D How long do you think the player be punished for: 2 days Time of Occurrence: 12:54 a.m. CET Additional members involved/witnessing: mdupload (Witness) Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jKL8VqlZ4KMBKag6c?invite=cr-MSxXbEIsMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA
pxscal361 started following RPD 1983 Ford Crown Victoria LTD (Custom)
Report "mauroboss12" NITRP, LTAA
Roblox Username: pxscal361 Discord ID: 367211016032878592 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: mauroboss12 (Display: Masialathe3rd) Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: The reporting player got involved into a Vehicle Pursuit with multiple RCSO & RPD Units, Including me as a Vehicle Interdiction Unit (Mobile Spikes), he crashed into the wall at the alley street near the Parking Lot next to Bank of America, did not RP his crash, had no intention to roleplay with us at all, besides multiple guns and tasers being aimed at him by 7-8 Units, he did just jump out like nothing happened, said "Bruh" and other stuff, tried to steal a UC cop car to flee the scene, was tased by multiple units multiple times, when he instantly left the game and commit LTAA. Therefore, he wasn't Roleplaying at all, so NITRP, and the left after being tased (he was not cuffed at this point) - so LTAA. He deserved to be banned for at least 3 days. What rules / offences did the player break: FRP, NITRP, LTAA How long do you think the player be punished for: 3 days Time of Occurrence: 5:56 pm CET Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jHyl5m1F1Vlajbx7A?invite=cr-MSxNVzQsMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA
Warning Appeal (ID: 18361)
Things I forgot to mention: the Reporters are actually trying to get me removed or even blacklisted from RPD, but it has 0% (nothing) to do with it. These situations, and the situation I got warned off, were happening on the CHP team. I know this is not better and it should not be an excuse, and I don’t want to be blacklisted on any team, but I am worried a bit’, because they’re false claiming. as I mentioned eventually, I apologized towards the reporters and the staff, and this is my first ever encounter with a report about me. I never had any moderative action taken against me, I always had positive resumee with the MI moderation, and I reported FRP people and RDM the responding Moderator could have been given me a verbal warning (this is my personal opinion) instead of giving me a server Warn, which will now stay forever, even if it gets appealed, people will have a bad sight on me
Warning Appeal (ID: 18361)
Appealing Roblox Username: pxscal361 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 367211016032878592 Warning Date: 1/19/2025 12:26:54 PM Moderating Staff Member: .kotball#0 (iKotBall) What game did the warning take place in?: Perris, California Warning Reason: FRP Warning Appeal: Dear MI Appeals Team, I am not blaming the moderating staff member on this, he was just doing his job. Either way, I find this Warn unfair, and I request that this moderative action gets reviewed and correctly removed, so it does affect me negatively in the future. Situation: We chased 2 in a grey Cadillac 4 times, and they escaped us, since they glitched through our cars’ bumpers and stuff, and they crashed multiple times but kept going, and also started firing once at different locations, making a drive-by, and multiple officers got injured or killed. We finally chased them down to the Housing Suburbans, I got out and I shot at the driver’s legs while he was fleeing, in order to stop him. A heavy and long holding shootout errupted. I continued with my roleplay, we cleared it up, I switched to RPD for some fresh air, we had fun, until I was stopped by iKotBall, he explained it to me, and then these 2 guys showed up at the moderation scene, and they kept hammering on me with their senseless, rude and lying behavior. I tried to explain it towards them, and I also apologized for shooting too quickly at the driver. I understand that I should have pursued him on foot, and not shooting him, but it would have end in a Shootout either way, and we already knew that he was armed and dangerous, and he had every single chance to give it up. I personally did not shoot at him or his vehicle when he was fleeing, I had the chance multiple times, but I kept fair play and waited until the Housings until we stopped, but he ran away, no intention to roleplay, as before, when we surrounded them with like 10 cops, aimed guns directly in their face, and they just speeded off through a gap. Everyone started blasting at their car, but I was the one who chased them down to Housings without discharging my firearm. But enough is enough. It’s the same over and over again in Perris. If I would have been following him and attempting to stop him, he would have killed me in an instant. I am a roleplayer, I know this situation was dumb and it could have started another way, but it would still have the same end. In the mod scene, they kept doing their “roleplay”, and requested my callsign or unit number, so they can report me to RPD so I get my whitelist removed. It was a mod scene, ‘told them I would handle them this informations afterwards. They interrupted my private conversation with iKotBall multiple times and called me a “nasty RDM kid” and stuff like that, I requested them to let me talk to him in privacy, and so on, they ignored it. Welp. Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jwlKHtl3s4DSXHS-U?invite=cr-MSxLN0osMTMwOTYxMDQ4LA More evidence is attached on this message. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Sadly, I don’t have their names. But every single engaged in these pursuits also witnessed it.