Player report RDM
Roblox Username: Lammkoop21 Discord ID : 797259605494857758 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: kitkitpattierack Give us an Incident Description: Was doing nothing at LC, walk out and get gunned down by her What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, FRP How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm. Time of Occurrence: 3:08 PM https://streamable.com/4p6oh7 https://imgur.com/a/1XqMABQ https://imgur.com/Uxxf8Jw https://imgur.com/undefined
My ban appeal
I accept the one strike policy.
My ban appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: Lammkoop21 Appealing Discord ID: 797259605494857758 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: landongoat#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Periss CA. Ban Reason: Answer (Attach screenshot of your ban message / use imgur) https://imgur.com/a/UJXD5Qz Why I Should Be Unbanned: Answer (Explain why you believe the ban should be lifted.) I don’t think it was considered to be RDM, and also I didn’t break NLR, his friend who I shot already had a handgun on him and shot at me and ran to safe zone to abuse it. I chased him down and was using my rights to protect my self. I think this should be overruled as a case of NOT RDM personally, because I wouldn’t do that knowing i’m already on OSP. They also rdmed me for no reason at first and both of them were involved in it. https://imgur.com/P5Ojav6 that’s it on kill logs.
My Ban appeal
Also, I don’t even know if that was me or not in the clip. And again this was almost a day or 2 ago I think and I was never told why or when or how I was getting ban, It doesn’t make sense :(
My Ban appeal
My Roblox Username: Lammkoop21 My Discord ID: 797259605494857758 Ban Length: Permanent. Moderating Staff member:r0768#0 Game took place in :Perris CA Ban Reason: https://imgur.com/a/QaMVxEy Why I should be unbanned: I’d like to point out in that clip I didn’t kill 3 people, I don’t think I even killed 1. But the clip also fails to capture what happened right before that. We had called 911 and had a situation already on going. And I guess somebody cleared the call but it was not random. They had even said them selves BOLO 2 dudes in stolen SRU armed and dangerous. And so the dude next to me hopped out and started shooting and I kind of went along with it. But I didn’t actually kill anyone I think I was just shooting to shoot. And we were wanted already for our previous crimes meaning we were already a threat, but the officers failed to notice. I love this game and I play it very often, I just bought silver+ and was having fun just to be banned :(. I would really like it if I get another chance :). Thanks