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  1. AndrewSins posted a post in a topic in Game Ban Appeals
    Appealing Roblox Username: MakoPerito Appealing Discord ID: 710788892441313363 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: r0768#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angeles Why should you be unbanned?: It started with my friends getting arrested, I went to police station to ask if I can visit them. I got rejected so I broke in through garage doors, got caught and arrested by r0768 and then I was trying to be as most annoying as I can to get arrested for 5 minutes so I could spend this time with my friends since I didn't have anything else to do. As shown in the clip I proceeded to be happy when close to the cell with my friend and be unhappy when otherwise. When I got taken away into some different area of the jail I wanted to roleplay as stressed and that I couldn't breathe because of stress (I belive my stressful reaction is clearly able to be seen in the clip) I got then teleported to the box in which (I also belive it can be seen on the clip that I am startled when I got teleported to the box and didn't know what did I do) As was explained to me later on is that I referenced to the murder of George Floyd which as I can see now clearly It could be recieved like that (To give some context, I am eastern european and racial discrimination and police brutality is not as sensitive topic as in United States) back when I did that I didn't think that I am playing an American game and that it doesn't matter what I think something is like but have to look through American lenses. I sincerely apologize and honestly say that I didn't intent for it to sound like a mocking of a serious murder case. Although I also belive that since I didn't mention his name nor anything remotely related to police brutality, we can't censor simple phrase that you express when you are in such a stressful situation where your throat tightens which I can speak from experience it can actually happen. I will be really greatful for trying to review this case objectively. Thank you. P.S. I know this avatar is dumb af MomentsDesktopclipfromFeb212025.mp4
  2. THANK YOU ❤️ !!!!!!!! ❤️
  3. I did it like a hundred times today I am banned it doesn't let me join, also my friend asked a moderator in game if I am banned and it said that in system I am not banned yet I cannot join the game :(
  4. Appealing Roblox Username: MakoPerito Appealing Discord ID: 710788892441313363 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: fraudwrd#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angeles My earlier appeal was accepted here: https://mountaininteractive.com/topic/3463-ban-appeal/#comment-8976 and yet I am still banned from the game. I would be really thankful for reviewing the whole process as my subscription days are passing by. Thank you for assistance
  5. AndrewSins posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Didn't know about it, you could've just told it and not jump on me like that
  6. AndrewSins posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: MakoPerito Appealing Discord ID: 710788892441313363 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: fraudwrd#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angeles Why should you be unbanned?: I pulled up to a scene and I started honking, I did it because earlier I saw other people do the same and I didn't think I were wrong, I didn't know it was considered trolling. Right now as I think about it I also wouldn't like someone pulling up and starting to honk but then I didn't think much of it. I didn't connect the dots that constantly honking is disturbing the scene. I apologize for what I did, I am enjoying the game would love to continue to do that, I would also want to apologize to people in the scene that I disturbed but sadly I had no chance to do that. I acknowledge my wrong and promise not to do that anymore. P.S. Also as I can see in the logs it says warn while I recieved perm ban