Appealing Roblox Username: tysyaka Appealing Discord ID 974870179869765662 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: Answer. therealgpu What game did the ban take place in?: Perris California (I believe I have been game banned without commands, I’ve talked to multiple staff members and they are unable to unban me with commands, I may need a higher up-staff member) Ban Reason: GyazoGyazo Why I Should Be Unbanned: I believe I have done nothing wrong, I have violated no rules and was just banned for stating that I believe that the game will be taken down again due to the drugs being re-added (ik this was so long ago and still haven’t been unbanned even though I’ve contacted multiple staff members and had it accepted, etc.) ~ (I believe I have been game banned without commands, I’ve talked to multiple staff members and they are unable to unban me with commands, I may need a higher up-staff member)