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Everything posted by mikemonty1_15742

  1. From my understanding to join the sheriffs dept. you have to link your MI account (this account) to both discord and Roblox. and then I think there is a required amount of play hours required to join the sheriffs. you can also either buy the CHP game pass or Premium Subscription Hope this helps, -Mike
  2. Hands down the Honda. it just looks better
  3. Howdy, maybe someone can answer this question. so with the CHP game-pass just returning to Perris will this game-pass work in LA or will there be a game-pass for CHP in LA? and if not will CHP become a whitelisted team with a discord similar to sheriffs and RPD/LAPD that you can be whitelisted in both games? I Completely understand if this question can not be answered But If anyone does know it would be much appreciated if you could share some info Thanks, -Mike
  4. Copy & Paste Mikemonty1’s Introduction: Name: Mike (Mikemonty1) (memonty1) A Little About Me: Hello! my name is Mike! A little bit about me. I am a boy scout. currently my rank is Star Scout and hope to make Eagle Scout before my 18th birthday. I Am Also currently Employed at A local Boy scout camp part time over the summer. I have worked at that camp for 2 years (2 summer camps) 24/7 for 3 weeks as a CIT (Councilor in Training). and I will going back as a Program staff member later in 2025 which means pay! but more paperwork and more kids sleeping in my merit badge classes. (dont listen to anyone from my Radio merit badge class last year it is a very interactive class that in not boring and Sleepable at all what so ever…) Why I Joined Mountain Interactive: I have always had interest in public service jobs such as police and fire coming from a family of firemen and policemen and after finding Perris California I Learned it is about the most “realistic” and genially fun RP game I have ever played with the great community and Staff members. I believe I have been a member for at least 1 or 2 years now and I have had absolutely no complaints. Favorite Games or Gaming Genres: Some of my favorite games are Perris California, Black mesa/half life, Slime rancher, human fall flat, and untitled goose game. call me crazy but sometimes its nice to layback and play a relaxing game and taking a break from getting turned into swiss cheese in Perris Excited About: I am exited to see the mountain interactive community continue to thrive and grow with the number of amazing staff members and community members that make these games posable. I am very grateful for every MI member that makes this group Enjoyable and fun to be apart of.
  5. mikemonty1_15742 posted a post in a topic in Suggestions
    CHP does have spikes in v2.5…
  6. Mikemonty1's Suggestion: Suggestion for: Perris, California My Suggestion: I think that you guys should put the new and improved CHP station From perris v4 and put it in perris 2.5. Because let's be honest the current station in 2.5 is very boring. Why This Would Improve the Game: I think this will improve the game because it makes CHP look and feel more professional and fit in with the other stations in detail.