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  1. LitvianLTU posted a post in a topic in Completed
    My Ban Appeal Appealing Roblox Username: Lcfdwdksw2 Appealing Discord ID: 553139576286478336 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: Dont even remember What game did the ban take place in?: los angeles Ban Reason: I think for FRP V-OSP But i swear i did not FRP Maybe just cuz i missclick the gun… So staff thought i was fail roleplaying. Why I Should Be Unbanned: i did not even do the frp I just maybe missclicked and they thought so. And i just want to appeal cuz i dont want to do any of that like frp and i will not do it. So yeah im very sorry What i caused. And i promise I will not do it and I will try to keep up way better than earlier You guys have my word! And im actually very stupid for that and i will not be that stupid this time. And i got my lesson and yeah for Violating One strike policy and i regret it. It will never happen it ever again. Reappealing Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: no
  2. LitvianLTU posted a post in a topic in Completed
    My Ban Appeal Appealing Roblox Username: Lcfdwdksw2 Appealing Discord ID: 553139576286478336 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: Dont even remember What game did the ban take place in?: los angeles Ban Reason: I think for FRP V-OSP But i swear i did not FRP Maybe just cuz i missclick the gun… So staff thought i was fail roleplaying. Why I Should Be Unbanned: Because im LAPD Officer and im not wrong i did not even do the frp I just maybe missclicked and they thought so. And i just want to appeal cuz i dont want to do any of that **** like frp and i will not do it. :3 So yeah im sowwy very much. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: no!!