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  1. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: djbomboboy2 Appealing Discord ID: 877650836082266123 Ban Length: 1 Day Moderating Staff Member: en4c3r1#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Ban Reason: FRP Why I Should Be Unbanned: So what was happen was, I was driving pursuing a driver then one of the RPD cars got pinned into a pole by a civ car, so we tell him to get out and he starts shooting us, then a civ came says ‘records’ then hops in the car that was for evidence so I spiked the person then he called staff, I regret my decision and won’t do it again, therefore I would like to be unbanned. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: US_FederalExecutive (he was on of the officers that died and can explain it all but staff didn’t listen…)
  2. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: djbomboboy2 Appealing Discord ID: 877650836082266123 Warning Date: 11/22/2024 7:52:56 AM Moderating Staff Member: velocity.vr#0 What game did the warning take place in?: Perris Warning Reason: FRP Warning Appeal: I honestly don’t know what to say, I would like my warning to be lifted because next time I won’t do it because I decided to shoot the suspects who were running away because they kept going in circles to be honest I didn't know what I was doing. (also a sheriff was chasing them and I think the sheriff got spun or pitted by the suspect) Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: No
  3. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: Answer. Appealing Discord ID: 877650836082266123 Warning Date: 11/1/2024 Moderating Staff Member: bloxystate What game did the warning take place in?: Perris Warning Reason: Tool abuse Warning Appeal: So what happened was, I was FBI sitting at a red light, and a car came speeding by and running a red light, as well crashed into a sheriff so the sheriff begins chasing him and me as well, it didn’t go far though when he collided with the sheriff car at a gun store, so I told him to get out of his vehicle, I Tasered him and cuffed him, the holding tool was acting strange so I unheld him and he begins running so I Tazed him until he got staff and staff said I should’ve citation him so then he warned me for Tool abuse. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: None
  4. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Oh my user was wrong, its djbomboboy2
  5. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: djbomboboy Appealing Discord ID: 877650836082266123 Warning Date: 10/21/2024 5:41:00 AM Moderating Staff Member: farmerdan54 What game did the warning take place in?: Perris Warning Reason: FRP Warning Appeal: So I pulled over a dude in a aston martin (which was stolen), he tried to shoot me then I shot him and then fled from me so I chased him, then he got absolutely decimated by a VDM script, so since he shot me, I therefore shoot him while he's unconscious and I didn't realise he was unconscious before I shot him about 3 times. So I would like my warning to be lifted.
  6. Johndeal posted a post in a topic in Platinum Reviews
    Membership ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Out of 5) My Review: Pretty good, unlocks RPD and helicopters, Guns are awesome and cars as well are awesome, So I would recommend this instead of silver or gold. Favorite Perks: Some inserts, teams and guns.