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  1. Agent_Jes1 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: LOLJOKINGK Appealing Discord ID 1127603627415052460 Ban Length: 03 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds Moderating Staff Member: Answer. bio1_#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris California. Why should you be unbanned?: I am sorry that I RMD'd them. But I was mad that they killed me while I was on FBI with the poor excuse of me driving a Bentley for them to kill me. So I drove to the overpass. I witnessed the officer shoot another officer.. and then they were both goofing off not taking it serious.. So I pulled out a gun and shot them. I'm sorry for the RDM and I will do maybes never to do it again. I will also try to stay on LEO so I don't make the same mistake.
  2. Screen Recording 2025-02-15 at 4.15.42 PM.mov
  3. chief_yuzo DM me for clip clip wouldn't load.
  4. I called staff and got taken to some blue room. He then just sent me back without doing anything. I even said I have a clip. His name was Ariel Operations.