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  1. You can consider joining the LAPD Discord server and then getting whitelisted into the Agency by attending their trainings and RA’s. It will give you access to the team for free as well as the ability to rank up and take on leadership positions within the department. Other than that there is no actual way of keeping access to the team entirely.
  2. ii_DenisLaw's post in how do i book someone in LA? was marked as the answer   
    You can get the case number by entering the CAD and looking up the person, Look in their arrest history and it should say a incomplete arrest with a Case ID or number and you just copy the whole thing and paste it when you’re trying to book them in. Make sure you know their RP name and your RP name for it to work properly.
  3. ii_DenisLaw's post in What Is The TeamSpeak? was marked as the answer   
    Teamspeak isnt used anymore, Its a ingame radio system for LA.
  4. ii_DenisLaw's post in No roles in MI discord? was marked as the answer   
    If you just now linked your account(s) to MI services you may have to wait a little bit for everything to update. Its known to me that the information and roles aren't immediately updated as you link your account.
  5. ii_DenisLaw's post in What is the password to enter teamspeak mountain interactive was marked as the answer   
    Teamspeak isn’t used anymore, We’ve switched over to a ingame vc radio for LA.
  6. ii_DenisLaw's post in how do i use radio in LA and how do i login into MDT. was marked as the answer   
    The in-game radio tool is just a prop and does not work, you need to have teamspeak installed and be connected to the MI Teamspeak server in order to communicate with others. LA is different from all of the other/past MI games as this one specifically requires you to have a working Microphone and be able to speak, there is no GUI or radio UI that allows you to communicate through text chat. As for the MDT you can find that on the bottom left of the vehicle and input the specific information highlighted within the LAPD trainings.

    You can find the LAPD Server in the information tab of the Mountain Interactive Server.

  7. ii_DenisLaw's post in Question About the Upcoming CHP team in LA... was marked as the answer   
    For gamepasses they’re usually not transferred between games, and they’re generally only for that specific game so I don’t think it would carry over to LA. As for the CHP team in LA, I’m not sure if it will be whitelisted only or not or if there is going to be more ways to get access to the team if it is released.