My Ban Appeal Appealing Discord ID: unknown, but the username was helloaahf Ban Length: Indefinite Moderating Staff Member: Unknown Ban Reason: Alt Account Why I Should Be Unbanned: This originally started when I was muted on the Discord server for some reason (not relevant to this topic) and was muted for a week. I then went onto the Discord server on another account I previously had, named helloaahf, which indeed was an alt, and that account was banned from it. Because of Discord's ban thing, it had IP banned my location, including my main account hyper_chcken. At the time, I was not using helloaahf as an alt, but simply my extra Discord account to manage other things. One important thing to state is that at the time of the ban, I had deleted helloaahf (for some reason I do not remember), and I'm worried that it won't show on y'alls ban list, permanently banning me for life for a simple mistake. It was honestly a dumb move to use an ALT account on the MI Discord server and I truly promise that it will never happen again if I were to be somehow unbanned. Thank you Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: I previously conversed with Ashkan about this, either under my username hyper_chcken or my Discord username hypcr3 , hyper , or HyperC. (including the period after the " C ")