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  1. GlockBoyPT posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: GlockBoyPT Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): GlockBoyPT Ban Length: Perm Ban Moderating Staff Member: What game did the ban take place in?: LA Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. I was ban for GTA driving when I was in a police chase. Like am I supposed to drive slow and nice if I'm being chased by the cops? he said its cause I was swerving like yeah I'm trying to to get hit with the grappler plus their was other people driving worse then me and they didn't get in trouble. I haven't played in weeks I think I learned my lesson I spent add least a couple hundred on this game it would be a shame to lose my cars I love supporting the game and would like to continue to support the game Additional Members Involved/Witnessing:
  2. GlockBoyPT started following Game Ban
  3. GlockBoyPT posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I got Perm Ban for GTA driving when I was in a police chase he said it was cause I was swerving like am I gonna drive perfect and slow when i’m being chased by cops? I haven’t played for a couple day i’m just tryna play LA and Perris I spent add leas a couple hundred in cars and subscriptions and I would like to keep supporting the game. I learned my lesson their was other people driving worse then me that didn’t get in trouble but because I was swerving I was GTA-D when I was in a cop chase and had already crashed and was running on foot.