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Mountain Interactive Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Mountain Interactive Community! We’re glad to have you as part of our community. To ensure a positive and respectful environment for all users, please take a moment to review and abide by our community guidelines.

By participating in this forum, you agree to follow these rules and the spirit in which they are intended. Violations may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans depending on the severity of the infraction.

1. Respectful Communication

We are committed to fostering a welcoming environment. When interacting with others:

  • Be respectful: Treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Personal attacks, harassment, and hate speech will not be tolerated.

  • Constructive criticism is encouraged, but keep your tone positive and helpful.

  • No trolling: Posts intended to provoke or upset others are not allowed.

2. No Spamming or Self-Promotion

  • Spam: Do not post irrelevant or repetitive messages, advertisements, or solicitations.

  • Self-promotion: You may share your projects or services, but they must add value to the community and be posted in the appropriate sections. Excessive promotion will result in post removal or account suspension.

3. Content Guidelines

  • Stay on-topic: Post in the appropriate forums and threads. Off-topic posts may be removed or moved to the correct section.

  • No illegal content: Do not share, link, or request illegal or pirated materials.

  • No adult content: Content that is explicit, offensive, or inappropriate for general audiences is strictly prohibited.

4. Protect Privacy

  • Personal information: Do not post personal information (yours or others) such as addresses, phone numbers, emails, or private messages without consent.

  • Private messages: Respect the privacy of private messages. Sharing the contents of private conversations publicly without consent is not allowed.

5. Report Inappropriate Behavior

If you encounter any inappropriate content or behavior, please report it to the moderators. Do not engage in arguments or retaliate.

6. Account Responsibility

  • One account per user: Do not create multiple accounts to bypass bans or restrictions.

  • Account security: You are responsible for keeping your account secure. Do not share your account information with others.

7. No Misleading or False Information

Posts that intentionally spread misinformation or false claims will be removed. Repeated violations will result in account suspension.

8. Moderation

  • Moderator actions: Our moderators have the final say in enforcing community rules. Do not publicly challenge or argue with their decisions. If you feel a decision was unfair, you can reach out to the team privately for clarification.

  • Warnings and bans: Depending on the severity of a violation, moderators may issue warnings or enforce temporary or permanent bans at their discretion.

9. Respect Intellectual Property

Do not post content that violates copyright, trademark, or intellectual property laws. If you wish to share external content, ensure you have the proper rights or permissions.

10. Feedback and Suggestions

We value your input! If you have suggestions for improving the community, please share them in the appropriate feedback sections. Constructive feedback helps us grow.

11. Disclaimer

All posts made on this forum represent the opinions of the individual members and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mountain Interactive. We are not responsible for the accuracy of any information posted by members.


We reserve the right to modify these guidelines at any time. Violations of these guidelines may result in account warnings, restrictions, or bans at the discretion of our moderation team.

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, feel free to contact us at [email protected].