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About This Group

A railfan, train fan, rail buff or train buff, railway enthusiast, railway buff, trainspotter or Ferroequinologist is a person who is recreationally interested in trains and rail transport systems.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Carcarsteve joined the club
  3. DOGWILSO joined the club
  4. AmtrakFan2940 joined the club
  5. isk11243 joined the club
  6. Vxumq joined the club
  7. JR

    Images added to a gallery album owned by nekotaru5 in RailFanning's Freight haulers
    Japanese Railway Images
  8. nekotaru5 joined the club
  9. iiMJ_Uchiha joined the club
  10. Haze413 joined the club
  11. kobe joined the club
  12. noobyieeeee joined the club