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  1. Past hour
  2. I accept the one strike policy.
  3. br11ad posted a post in a topic in Game Ban Appeals
    On 1/21/2025 I was playing a MILSIM with my friends because we had an operation today and I wore that shirt for fun because I’ve known those people for like 2 years now i literally found it in the back of my avatar creations and I have only wore it like once in a public server that I knew of. After the op me and a friend from that MILSIM ended up joining LA and I totally forgot what shirt I had on because I was to immersed in the game. I swear to my life I forgot I had that shirt on I would never wear it in a public server setting where children are around. I will even delete the shirt I just want to play LA so bad. I’ve been in this community for like 4 months now and i’m getting to like it more and more with every update and these people in LAPD know I won’t wear a shirt like that in a public server setting. Please forgive me.
  4. 005Avd started following MI Custom Inserts
  5. Larry_bot posted a post in a topic in General Discussion
    day 14 of asking for free lifetime
  6. Larry_bot posted a post in a topic in General Discussion
    cats are not real. Do not trust anyone, especially watameln they are government devices you guys have to believe me
  7. deeded posted a post in a topic in Game Ban Appeals
    I accept the one strike policy
  8. m2gdzz joined the community
  9. Landon123 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Report Status: ACCEPTED Dear @rubledn, Thank you for for submitting a player report to Mountain Interactive Moderation. After careful review, we are happy to inform you that your report has been accepted and will be addressed appropriately. We encourage you to reporting any violations you see to ensure a positive game experience. Additionally, you can call for help in game using the !help command. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  10. carterdillard93 joined the community
  11. Report Status: ONE-STRIKE POLICY OFFER Dear @cornball20045, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. We appreciate your engagement and willingness to communicate about this matter. After a careful review of your case, we would like to extend an offer based on our One-Strike Policy. You must respond to this offer with I accept the one strike policy. This policy is designed to provide players with an opportunity to correct their behavior while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all. Your Offer: Ban Lifted: Your ban will be lifted immediately, allowing you to return to the game. One-Strike Period: This one-strike warning will remain in effect for [30 Days] from the date of this notice. During this time, we encourage you to demonstrate positive behavior and engagement with the community. One-Strike Warning: This will serve as your official warning. Any future violations of our community guidelines may result in a permanent ban without further appeal. Guidelines Reminder: We encourage you to review our community guidelines https://mountaininteractive.com/forum/7-information-guidelines/, as these outline the expected behavior within our community. It’s essential to respect these standards to ensure a positive experience for everyone. We believe in second chances and hope that this opportunity allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the community. If you have any questions about the guidelines or how to avoid future issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you back into the game! Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  12. Today
  13. Report Status: ACCEPTED Dear @tray43kay, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we are happy to inform you that your appeal has been accepted. The reason for this decision is as follows: Reason: [No Evidence Attached to Ban] We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  14. Landon123 posted a post in a topic in Game Ban Appeals
    Report Status: ONE-STRIKE POLICY OFFER Dear @deeded, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. We appreciate your engagement and willingness to communicate about this matter. After a careful review of your case, we would like to extend an offer based on our One-Strike Policy. You must respond to this offer with I accept the one strike policy. This policy is designed to provide players with an opportunity to correct their behavior while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all. Your Offer: Ban Lifted: Your ban will be lifted immediately, allowing you to return to the game. One-Strike Period: This one-strike warning will remain in effect for [30 Days] from the date of this notice. During this time, we encourage you to demonstrate positive behavior and engagement with the community. One-Strike Warning: This will serve as your official warning. Any future violations of our community guidelines may result in a permanent ban without further appeal. Guidelines Reminder: We encourage you to review our community guidelines https://mountaininteractive.com/forum/7-information-guidelines/, as these outline the expected behavior within our community. It’s essential to respect these standards to ensure a positive experience for everyone. We believe in second chances and hope that this opportunity allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the community. If you have any questions about the guidelines or how to avoid future issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you back into the game! Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  15. DizWiz joined the community
  16. Landon123 posted a post in a topic in Game Ban Appeals
    Report Status: ONE-STRIKE POLICY OFFER Dear @lil2300, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. We appreciate your engagement and willingness to communicate about this matter. After a careful review of your case, we would like to extend an offer based on our One-Strike Policy. You must respond to this offer with I accept the one strike policy. This policy is designed to provide players with an opportunity to correct their behavior while maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all. Your Offer: Ban Lifted: Your ban will be lifted immediately, allowing you to return to the game. One-Strike Period: This one-strike warning will remain in effect for [30 Days] from the date of this notice. During this time, we encourage you to demonstrate positive behavior and engagement with the community. One-Strike Warning: This will serve as your official warning. Any future violations of our community guidelines may result in a permanent ban without further appeal. Guidelines Reminder: We encourage you to review our community guidelines https://mountaininteractive.com/forum/7-information-guidelines/, as these outline the expected behavior within our community. It’s essential to respect these standards to ensure a positive experience for everyone. We believe in second chances and hope that this opportunity allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the community. If you have any questions about the guidelines or how to avoid future issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you back into the game! Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  17. Landon123 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Report Status: REJECTED Dear @curtiscasmido, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows: Reason: [Ban is Valid] Note: Your ban will be changed to a Permeant due to you having another Violation while on ONE STRIKE POLICY. We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  18. imsomad9 joined the community
  19. JosephUsa joined the community
  20. Landon123 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Report Status: REJECTED Dear @Hanktiesato, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows: Reason: [Ban is Valid] We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  21. Report Status: REJECTED Dear @Zekeni, Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows: Reason: [Ban is Valid - It was Clear Violation of RDM] We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. Best regards, The Volunteer Moderation Team
  22. ManuelRGuzman joined the community
  23. BrandonPlanes joined the community
  24. rubledn posted a post in a topic in Completed
  25. rubledn posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: rubledn Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1323824665159925852 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: br11ad Discord Username of the player you're reporting: br11ad Give us an Incident Description: Wearing an inappropriate shirt that violates the Roblox Terms of Service. What rules / offences did the player break: VTOS How long do you think the player be punished for: Permanently Time of Occurrence: 3:47, 1/22/25 (UTC+13) Additional members involved/witnessing: N/a
  26. ThatOneGuy234 joined the community
  27. Appealing Roblox Username: Brandonrockynewman Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1314676286215426200 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: foxbat_mig#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Answer. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/a
  28. BorisKuznetov joined the community
  29. rilesjan changed their profile photo
  30. actuallykeilol joined the community
  31. darcy posted a post in a topic in Questions
    Just curious so I can continue my appeal and so I know in the future
  32. Appealing Roblox Username: cornball20045 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): I don’t have Discord. Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: I tried putting my user ID through the SimpleAdmin search but it didn’t work. What game did the ban take place in?: Perris, California Hi, I think that my ban is incredibly exaggerated. I technically did break IWS and TK, however, I didn’t do it with intent and had broken it unknowingly. Hopefully, this can be reduced to a 1 or 2 day ban perhaps?
  33. mxyzee posted a post in a topic in Questions
    All of my accounts are linked, but it doesn’t let me access any of the server.
  34. darcy posted a post in a topic in Discord Ban Appeals
    Can you send me a list of the blacklisted groups?
  35. pakrer7095 started following My ban appeal
  36. pakrer7095 posted a post in a topic in General Discussion
    Notice You’ve sent your ban appeal in the ‘General Discussion’ forums. Please sent it in ‘Game Moderation Appeals.’ Mountain Interactive Game Appeals Link: https://mountaininteractive.com/forum/23-game-ban-appeals/ Got any Questions about this Forum? Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns on the different types of forums, I’ll make sure to bring back a valid response. If you’re unsure on why you have to post this in the actual appeals section, also let me know.
  37. rodri posted a post in a topic in Discord Ban Appeals
    Before we proceed with your ban appeal, we please ask you to leave any group blacklisted from Mountain Interactive.
  38. rodri posted a post in a topic in Completed