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About This Club

[LAPD] Los Angeles Police Department - Official Club, Do you want to join see our discord: https://discord.gg/mPNhEs9efc
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Danya joined the club
  3. Otacky19 joined the club
  4. BenBrownCopper joined the club
  5. clydecook joined the club
  6. FDMA_Holder joined the club
  7. fjones joined the club
  8. domestic joined the club
  9. LucasVDSG joined the club
  10. ARCON1X joined the club
  11. pakrer7095 joined the club
  12. RealityStorm288 joined the club
  13. aiden44463 joined the club
  14. vixiusz joined the club
  15. Pay2WinIsBad joined the club
  16. Want to get your roles from the previous LAPD server? Follow the steps below. 1. https://discord.gg/sSvBj8ye - join this server. 2. https://discord.com/channels/1323516364438245376/1324111933485481994 - go to this channel. 3. Read the information, click “Role Request”. 4. Fill it out using the guidelines. 5. Be patient & don’t DM any command members.
  17. Chase45hh joined the club