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Hello! Here is an overview of the updated rules for the club. Please comply with the policies as they are required to be acknowledged to further move on past the limits of the club.

These rules were updated by @pakrer7095, any questions? Please send a message to them and they’ll reply as soon as possible.


This is where local policies with ‘Street Rats’ club are located. Any questions on these? Send us a private message in the private messages forum to speak directly with a moderator.

Rules Overview (Must have active compliance with policy):

- Be respectful to others and respect opinions no matter what.

- Report any suspicious or policy violating activity to a club official. If it violates TOS of Mountain Interactive, please report it to one of the team members so they can handle the situation thoroughly.

- Respect club officials.

⚠️Failure to keep compliance with these policies can lead to further exclusions or bans.⚠️

Street (1).png


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